

Joined on Jul 27, 2024

Lauren Deacon is the founder and owner of Vitalfx. 

Vitalfx represents how our actions, individually and collectively, effect our outcome of a healthy body and healthy mind. If we live with an intention of Awareness and Mindfulness, we harness the ability to manifest our purpose in life and manifest great things.

After completing her Advanced Diploma in Nutritional Medicine, Lauren discovered what impact a healthy and balanced mind & body has on an individual in achieving optimal health and well-being. 

When our body and mind are out of balance our entire being is out of balance, leading to ill health, sickness and disease, impacting our physical and emotional well-being on all levels.

To understand the connection between mind & body in greater detail, Lauren, having been a participant of yoga for many years, and having the experience of how a Yogic lifestyle has helped balance and shape her well-being, Lauren decided to take her training more seriously, becoming a qualified Solomon YogalatesTM Trainer, with the Yoga Pilates Training Academy Australia in Byron Bay, and later to study abroad in India, Rishikesh, the home of yoga and meditation practice. This has given Lauren the ability to shape and develop her own technique from teachings and inspirations from all over the World; Sarah Powers, SN Goenka, Thích Nhat Hanh and 104yr old Swami's.

Lauren has since been teaching a variety of classes, workshops and one on ones in and around Sydney, as well as  Internationally, such as Bali and India. Her practice has a poetic combination of Stira (strength & stability) with Sukha (softness & sweetness), with a strong focus on breath, meditation and practicing with mindfulness, her classes are suitable for each and every individual.

With Lauren's passion and knowledge in the arena of Natural Health she hopes to inspire, share and help create evolution and change in people's lives encouraging them to "Be the Change" they want to see within themselves and the World.

Vitalfx contributes to the FindYoga forums