Advanced Certificate of Teaching Hatha Yoga 500 hours

Feb01201812:00 amtoNov15201912:00 am

Map of Torrensville, SA
Yoga Spirit Studios, 194 Henley Beach Road , Torrensville, SA, 5031, Australia
Show map
Thursday, 1 Feb 2018 toFriday, 15 Nov 2019
payment options avail.
What does that include?
(08) 8352 7823


The 500 hour program is built upon the foundation of the 350 hour program, so the 350 hour program must also be undertaken. This listing describes the additional work undertaken to achieve 500 hours. The 500 hour program is not a stand alone program. Entrants must have either completed our 350 hour training or be able to demonstrate equivalency for recognition of prior learning in all subjects of our 350 hour certificate.

The additonal work in the 500 hour program includes undertaking a mentoring program, doing further studies in Yogic Physiology and Body Intelligence, and undertaking a special research project with the guidance of your mentor. It also includes a 3 day retreat.

The additional hours invested in the 500 hour certificate finish your preparation to be the best teacher that you can be.



Included for payment options avail.

- tuition and marking
- required classes
- full cost of retreat
- notes

Recognised by Yoga Australia

To receive a prospectus package including, prices, calendar of events and module descriptions
please contact us at the studio.

Email us at 

Telephone us on 83527823

Schedule / Itinerary

February 2018

The subject cycle for the 350 hour component commence  in February 2018, and again in July 2019. Please see the separate listing for more details.

When Embodied Teaching 1 is satisfactorily completed or you have been granted recognition of prior learning, you can apply to commence Embodied Teaching 2 and the Specialty Research Subject.

Embodied Teaching Level 2 is undertaken as a mentorship. You will be assigned a senior teacher as a mentor. You will be guided through a structured program, including private yoga technique sessions, attendance at classes, journalling your experiences and discussing them with your mentor, practice teaching classes or parts of classes with your teacher presenta nd receiving feedback.

Special Research Project  - in this subject you will choose a specialty subject in consultation with a senior teacher (mentor) which you will research and prepare a detailed paper. Guidelines will be provided. If you have an idea of your preferred specialty subject please inform us so we can refer you to the most appropriate mentor.

October 2018

Body Intelligence 2 is commenced. It consists of 2 Online Modules and 1 weekend workshop (December 2018)

March 2019

Ayurveda Lifestyle has contact hours of one weekend workshop of 2 days.

June 2019

Yogic Physiology 2 builds upon the matierial in the level 1 workshop the previous month. It is undertaken in a weekend workshop of Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday.

July 2019

Level 2 Retreat 3 days in a location close to Adelaide. This is an immersion in yoga with a strong emphasis on meditation, pranayama, mudra and bandha.

August and September 2019

Philosophy, History and Ethics is undertaken in two 2 day weekend workshops.