Embodying Air and Space: Backbends and Standing Balance Asanas

Nov03201712:00 amtoNov05201712:00 am

Map of South Ballina, New South Wales
Dolphin Bay, 440 South Ballina Beach Road, South Ballina, New South Wales, 2478, Australia
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Friday, 3 Nov 2017 toSunday, 5 Nov 2017


You are invited to be part of this inaugural Prana Vinyasa® affiliate yoga teacher training program across Australia!
In this module you deepen your understanding of the Foundation Air Prana Vinyasa sequence, as well as begin the foundation Space – Integration sequence, connecting the backbending and standing balance families of asanas to the asana families of the previous four modules.
Through the opening movement meditation, classical and dancing warrior namaskars, core cultivation, Prana Vinyasa wave sequence, peak asana, and lunar mudrasanas of the Natarajasana sequence and Integration-Vasisthasana/Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana sequence, we will slowly and effectively embody the flow of prana connected to backbending and standing balance asanas, our relationship to the integrated embodiment of all elements and our instinctual body.
·       Learn the solar and lunar Air Foundation sequences for the Natarajasana family of asanas and work with Prana Flow Three-Part Vinyasa Method and Vinyasa Krama to teach to all levels

·       Learn the solar and lunar Space Foundation sequences for the Vasisthasana family of asanas and work with Prana Flow Three-Part Vinyasa Method and Vinyasa Krama to teach to all levels

·       Heart-expanding nature of a backbending practice, and the foundation-integration of the previous sequences
·       Continue to develop an understanding of the Three-Part Vinyasa and wave sequencing in the progression through the foundation sequences

·       Wave sequencing for Air + Space foundation sequences for backbending and balance and the lunar Air + Space sequence for deep flexibility and regeneration.

·       Hands on assists and alignment for the new asanas introduced by the Air + Space Sequences beyond Namaskar

·       Learn to edit the first 4 foundation sequences based on your understanding of wave sequencing, kramas, and families of asanas

·       Develop Energetic Observation – ability to assess imbalances, blockages and leaks of energy to a person’s body, mind and heartfire.

·       Continue to develop skills of basic anatomy to understand the way prana flows in the muscles, bones and fascia for balancing and lengthening qualities of structural embodiment within the asanas

·       Special Mandala of Asanas Method – self and partner massage for regeneration and learning muscles, joints, and boney landmarks of the body relevant to practice


PRANA VINYASA® is a full spectrum approach to embodying the flow of yoga cultivated by Shiva Rea. Students are empowered to experience prana, the universal source of breath, life-energy and conscious intelligence, as the navigating source of yoga practice and vital living. www.shivarea.com

For more details about Delamay visit www.delamaydevi.com

Schedule / Itinerary

Thursday November 2nd: Check in after 2pm

Friday November 3rd: 7am - 7pm

Saturday November 4th: 6am - 7pm

Sunday November 5th: 6am - 7pm

Monday 6th November: Checkout before 10am