Bobby Clennell Yoga Workshop

Oct19201812:00 amtoOct21201812:00 am

Map of Petersham, NSW
Yoga To Go Studio, 108 Crystal st, Petersham, NSW, 2049, Australia
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Friday, 19 Oct 2018 toSunday, 21 Oct 2018
0499 088 990


Bobby Clennell presents a workshop devoted entirely to women approaching or going through menopause. Just as physical and psychological disturbances occur when menstruation begins, you have to face them again when it comes to an end. We will learn to navigate through this transition with practices that calm the nerves and bring emotional balance, enhance the functioning of the endocrine system and boost the immune system. We will also explore the challenges and rewards of the post-menopausal phase

Friday 6:30 – 9.00 pm: An overview. Bobby will begin by talking about how yoga can be adjusted to the various phases of a woman’s life, from childhood through puberty, pregnancy, menopause, post menopause and beyond. 

Developing Sensitivity in Asana: The Standing Poses build strength and endurance and give us a good foundation for all of the other poses. Allowing the weight to pass through the bones is essential for skeletal health. In this class, we adjust these postures to a women’s needs. 

Saturday 9am-12 pm: Seated and Standing Forward Bends. The seated forward extensions soothe the nerves, reduce hot flashes and headaches, prevent insomnia, quiet the mind and restore endocrine system balance.

The standing forward bends help us deal with mental lethargy, tiredness, heat, coughs and colds, and deal with issues such as scanty or very light flow, and migraine headaches. 

Saturday 3-5 pm: Backbends stimulate the adrenals and produce estrogen. They help us deal with low energy, and feelings of loneliness, emptiness and depression. In addition, these poses energize the nervous system, boost circulation throughout the body and give us courage. 

Sunday: 9-12am: Wide leg Poses check a heavy or prolonged menstrual flow, and reduce menstrual cramping. They also help us deal with stress, groin, knee, and ankle problems and mobilize stiff hips. 

Sunday: 2-4 pm: Healthy Knees: Due to hormones and anatomy, women are up to eight times more likely to sustain knee injuries than men. In this class we practice the postures that reduce discomfort and pain, and promote mobility, stability and health in compromised or injured knee joints. 

The Inversions will be taught throughout the workshop. Often women, especially those unaccustomed to yoga, are afraid to do the inversions. However, once learned, they realize how helpful they are. The inversions stabilize and support hormonal activity by bringing an understanding between the pituitary and thyroid glands as well as addressing the adrenal and ovarian glands. They ensure a smooth transition from the menstrual phase to the rest of the month; help us develop mental discipline, and widen our spiritual horizons. 

Venue: Yoga To Go Studio, 106 -108 Crystal Street, Petersham

Registration commences July 1st

Bookings are essential and can be made directly with Tamar at Iyoga Project via email or Phone: 0499 088 990

Senior instructor, Bobby Clennell has been teaching and studying Iyengar Yoga for over 43 years. She considers herself blessed to have studied directly with B.K.S. Iyengar. The profound and cathartic effect on her of his teachings remains with her to this day. Bobby is greatfull to Geeta Iyengar who inspired and informed her work with women, and Prashant Iyengar, whose knowledge of yoga philosophy and its history and culture is unsurpassed. She is a core faculty member of the Iyengar Yoga Institute of New York. She teaches yoga workshops throughout the United States and around the world.

Bobby is the author and illustrator of The Woman’s Yoga Book, Watch Me Do Yoga and Yoga for Breast Care.

She has also written three yoga manuals: The Iyengar Yoga Glossary, Props and Ailments, and A Cosmic Body Map (all currently in the process of being re-worked).

She is the creator of “Yoga Yantra”, a short animated film, based on the movements of B.K.S. Iyengar during his own yoga practice.