Tamara Yoga Teacher Training Intensive

Sep30201912:00 amtoOct13201912:00 am

Map of Claremont, Western Australia
6 Gugeri Street, Claremont, Western Australia, 6010, Australia
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Monday, 30 Sep 2019 toSunday, 13 Oct 2019
$250 Deposit $2775 First Year Fee
(08) 9385 2242


The TYTT Intensive modules mean you get to experience full absorption in Yoga. One of the best things about Tamara Yoga Teacher Training is how deep it is. Not for the faint hearted, it’s not for the people who come to class just to stretch a bit. It’s for those of us who’ve discovered something profound. Something, paradoxically we feel we’ve been missing; yet it’s been deep within us. Truth. Connection. Bliss. It’s like we start to experience feeling more like ourselves. And we have to learn more. And we can’t not share it. Because Yoga opens us to the magic of life again, just like when we were little, and our imaginations were magical, and so much was enchanting to us. When you recollect your own pure being, it’s wonderful for everybody because we’re all interconnected. Maybe that’s one of the reasons such special bonds form in TYTT. Teaching Yoga is a gift and a joy. If you’ve got that kind of secret excitement that you know this is what you want to do, email us at info@tamarayoga.com for an application form. The Intensive format works for those who want to eat, breathe and sleep Yoga for a concentrated period of time. Our comprehensive curriculum – Yoga philosophy: gain understanding of the profound philosophy of Yoga and how you can apply it every day.– Yoga Sutra of Patanjali: discover how to incorporate this ancient wisdom into your life and how to weave it into your classes.– Developing your own practice: take your practice to another level, learn safe form for yourself, and deepen your experience of yoga.– Asana: learn detailed specific asana alignment, contraindications and benefits.– Ethics: truly embody yoga by living its teachings.– Voice: learn about voice tone, rhythm and clear communication techniques.– Non-violent communication: discover how to communicate with loving kindness and truth with yourself and others.– Teaching methodology: learn the skills and strategies that we’ve proven work to be an effective yoga teacher.– Teaching skills: discover how to create optimal states for learning and how to communicate clearly and powerfully.– Vinyasa sequencing: discover how to pace and sequence engaging classes that help students experience skill in action and increase mindfulness.– Pranayama: breath is considered the bridge between the body and the mind. Learn more about this key to unlocking your potential.– Inner cleansing: how to practice and teach purifying, healing kriya breathing techniques.– Yogic Physiology: you’ll be guided through the subtle and esoteric teachings of yoga.– Chakras: discover how to balance the subtle energy centres that govern relationships, creativity, personal power, magnetism, emotions, intuition and the ability to access your highest self.– Mantra: you’ll delve into the mystic formulas that draw you deeply into meditation and assist with profound transformation.– Meditation: you’ll learn about the gateway to inspiration, intuition, insight, well being and regeneration for yourself and your students.– Presentation Skills: how to captivate the attention of your students.– Learning styles: how to teach accounting for each student’s uniqueness, so every student learns from you. Become adept at communicating in a way that students feel the class has been individualised for them.– Anatomy and Physiology: learn about the anatomy of movement, the nervous system, the physiology of the respiratory system, the circulatory system and the lymphatic system.– Mudras, Bandhas and Drishti: gain knowledge of the energetic circuits, keys and locks in your body.– Tantra: enrich your awareness through study, contemplation and practice of the Vijnana Bhairava Tantra.– The Radiance Sutras: the yoga of delight, wonder and astonishment.– Yoga for pregnancy: you’ll understand the anatomical and physiological changes that occur during pregnancy, how to teach pregnant women, and enable them to feel strong and supported during this miraculous time.– Teaching yoga to children and teens: learn about their specific needs and abilities and how to teach enchanting classes children and teens will love.– Teaching yoga to seniors: You’ll be educated in research that supports the benefits of yoga practice for the elderly, including specific asana, contraindications and teaching tips.– Yoga therapy: learn about therapeutic application of yoga for students with injuries and illness.– Restorative Yoga: understand how to teach rejuvenating, restorative postures that will calm and soothe your students. Learn how to position bolsters and blankets to provide softness and support enabling students to release tension and relax deeply.– Yin Yoga: learn how to enhance the natural range of motion, releasing into the connective tissue to enhance the flow of prana in the tissues around the joints.– ISHTA: how to tailor lessons to meet individual needs so the class experience is safe, therapeutic, nurturing and liberating.– Ayurveda: the ancient, holistic Indian medicine of healing.– Practicum: practice teaching opportunities with constructive feedback.– Demonstration: principles of asana demonstration. Learn how, why and when to demonstrate postures to inspire and educate your students.– How to create a ‘yoga space’: help your students feel transported from the mundane to an extraordinary experience of yoga.– Adjustments: how to adjust students via hands on assists.– Multi-skilled: become accomplished at incorporating the many different aspects of yoga into a seamless practice that you enjoy and students love.– Develop confidence and the knowledge: to teach Beginners, All Levels and Advanced Vinyasa classes.– Opportunities provided to observe and assist: sit in on classes so you gain valuable experience enabling you to be ready to teach when you graduate.– And so much more!