Yoga Asanas & the Healing Process

“Yoga’s system of healing is based on the premise that the body should be allowed to function as naturally as possible. Practising recommended asanas by an experienced & qualified yoga teacher will first rejuvenate your body, and then tackle the causes of the ailment.” - BKS Iyengar.


The human body is a very complex piece of machinery, a finely connected network of muscles, joints, nerves, veins, arteries & capillaries. It is a hard task to keep all these elements co-ordinated & in good working order under the best circumstances. More often than not, ailments, whether minor or major, affect the body.

Yoga, when used to heal, is based on sequencing asanas which stretch specific parts of the body & block others. It has been known to raise the threshold of pain & endurance. This only happens, however, if the recommended asanas are practised with patience & dedication.

Yoga asanas help when you are feeling physically unwell or suffering from a certain defect by alleviating pain & improving the condition. Not only does the outer physical body benefit from the stretches & extensions of the asanas which strengthen & release tight muscles leaving the skin feeling vibrant, but the inner body benefits too. Because the asanas work on specific parts of the body the joints are lubricated & the internal organs toned and massaged, enabling them to function more effectively & efficiently. Certain asanas activate the systems of the body to help soothe the nervous system, regulate the glandular system and calm an agitated mind.

The aim is not simply to cure the specific problem, but to target the cause.

Do not get discouraged if the healing of your ailment takes time or the progress is slow. Remember, perseverance is the essence of yoga.


 “The practice of asanas & pranayama is the most natural therapy for stress. Practising asanas with the props builds up your stamina & allows you to benefit from the pose without unnecessary strain.” – BKS Iyengar

