Do you recall the time you had butterflies in your stomach, a lump in your throat or the gut feeling something was a definite ‘yes’ or ‘no’? Or you had the ‘weight of the world on your shoulders’? This is because our mind and body are connected, we actually receive messages from our body all the time. Looking into the mind/body connection deeper can help us release unpleasant emotions that are actually stored in our body making it feel tight, out of balance, rigid and sore. We can use our bodies to heal and release unpleasant emotions for good.


Do you ever wonder why you sometimes feel worried, nervous, hurt, sad for no real apparent reason? It’s because we all have emotions that are stored in our body from a time when we did not express them. These emotions get triggered in our everyday life, sometimes keeping us stuck in cycles of negativity all because repressed emotions are lodged in our body.


It all started when we were younger, when we wanted to express our pain and maybe cry because we felt hurt, sad, rejected, embarrassed or let down, but instead we held it in, and the pain became stored in our body. In our modern day society, vulnerability has not been looked upon as a positive thing, so many of us have been conditioned to ‘be strong’, a word that comes to mind is ‘stiff upper lip.


The body does not lie, it is a store house for everything we have been through. This is great news, because we can use it to access the uncomfortable feelings we have repressed and forgotten at a conscious level.




-         The breath. A powerful therapy called breath work can work wonders. It consists of rapid breathing to access the subconscious and release stored emotional pain.

-         Reconnect physically. We are social beings, we crave affection. Babies need physical contact, if they do not have skin to skin contact they will actually die. So hug your friends or break the cultural traditions here in Australia and kiss on the cheek. Get off the laptop and go jump on your partner :) Connecting physically will assist in opening our hearts, calming our nerves, transferring love, allowing us to heal and glow.

-         Kundalini Yoga & Meditation. We use a lot of breath work in Kundalini yoga, it is considered the most powerful yoga in the world as it gives the fastest results through powerfully releasing stuck energy (emotions). Our energy flows, and we GLOW J

-         Choose your partner wisely. Similar to the ‘reconnect physically’ point above, we have the amazing opportunity to further heal and release emotional pain by being with someone who is healing for us, who lifts us up, brings positive energy in our life. Love really does heal, so if you and your partner truly love each other, miracles will happen, old hurts will be released because your souls will be connecting and sharing love. Love is the strongest energy on the planet, healing will effortlessly occur.

-         Physical therapy. Massages can do wonders to release stored pain in the body. Because ‘every action has a reaction’, when the body is manipulated via touch, movement, breathe, posture, we are giving it the opportunity to tap into these stored emotions and process them ourselves.

-         Commit to a daily practice you connect with. Do something physical which also calms, quietens and promotes a meditative state. For me, my heart is with Kundalini Yoga, for you it could be swimming, power walking, tai chi., dancing. Do what you love, it can be as easy as walking through nature.

-         Mantras. I’ve experienced deep healing by simply listening to powerful, heart moving mantras. My heart has blossomed, there were so many tears, a lot of pain, I didn’t run away, I felt it, it moved through me, it left me. I’m now happier than ever because my energy is flowing where before it was blocked. It’s like I was buried under a pile of negative emotions, and now the dark clouds have cleared to let the sun beam through.


      When we reconnect to our body and use the many tools available to release repressed emotions, the healing of old wounds naturally occurs. We become lighter, happier from the inside, a deeper connection within is established, our inner light and natural beauty effortlessly begins to GLOW. We return back home, back to our true nature – pure soul of light and love.


       Peace + Love


       Alexis xx